

1069 ratings
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1069 ratings



This is Remi by Cam.

My most insane avatar ever. Deadass never in my life have I spent this much time and energy working on one project lmao.

1100+ animations | ~200 menu options | 380 parameter memory used | 3,000+ lines of code | 1000+ hours work over 6 months

Very Beginner Friendly!!!

Need help uploading? No problem! Click this link to go to my YouTube playlist with tutorials on how to get the model uploaded to your account:

Getting Started With Remi

Any and all updates pertaining to the version you choose will be free. Forever.

Some of the Options Available To You

Massive thanks to:

πŸ–€ Tini for all of my QA testing.
πŸ–€ Sutekh - completely invaluable help on my OSC app.
πŸ–€ Eliza, Zinpia, Crabman, Mehdi, and Pandaabear for modelling advice.
πŸ–€ Dreadrith for help with Unity scripting - also his incredible tool Controller Editor
πŸ–€ And everyone at VRLabs, for your constant unbiased assistance with my stupid questions.

Without your inspiration, assistance, input, and advice this project would not have turned out nearly as well as I believe that it has. Much love.

Detailed Credits

Join My Discord!

Features marked with their tiers.
Higher tiers get ALL features from lower ones.

πŸ‘‘ Supporter πŸ’ŽDiamond πŸ₯‡ Gold πŸ₯ˆ Silver πŸ₯‰ Bronze


( Please see the features that come with the version that you intend to purchase to determine which of these versions )

🟒 PC Good: 65k tri and 5 materials

🟒 Fallback: 9.9k tri and 1 material

🟒 PC Excellent & Quest Medium: 15k tri and 1 material

🟒 PC Full Version: 189k tri and 28 materials (including all 32 toggles)

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Dependency Reminder Script

Ever forget what dependencies a model needs? No problem!

My script will run automatically on import and will show you what dependencies you are missing, and will even link you to their downloads!

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Avatar Customization System

  • Allows you to pick and choose the features that you want on your avatar
  • Want to add/remove outfits or otherwise change the model? Will transfer everything even to new models/FBXs!!

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ It's the Little Things

There is a lot that I can improve on, but I have done the absolute best with the knowledge that I posses such that you may have the best experience that I can provide

  • Clean base textures for face, body, and jacket to allow for easy customization
  • Custom shader for the Dogtags - to apply a custom texture to the tag, simply modify a singular image file and it will apply the detail perfectly
    (For nerds, it applies your texture to opacity, emission, and base color simultaneously)
  • Clean package with coherent naming schemes
  • PhysBones for all hairs, jiggly wiggle spots, backpack, drawstrings, and jacket
  • Clean weight paint for very natural deformations at every angle
  • Optimization to the best of my current abilities - there is a lot on this model, but every detail has been scrutinized such that it meets my standards of aesthetic, function, and optimization
    • Custom shaders have been created by myself and implemented in several places to reduce texture count, decrease texture size, and provide additional visual clarity due to the use of procedural effects
    • Animations have been packed using various tricks to combine multiple toggles / expressions / gestures into single animations
    • Several animator layers have been generated through code such that optimal transition checks can be achieved
  • Attention to Detail using well-timed animations to prevent clipping and accidental wardrobe malfunctions. Every animation has been created and scrutinized frame-by-frame to ensure your safety ;)
  • Months of testing and bug fixing both remotely and locally to ensure that you and those viewing you have the best experience possible
    • Love you Tini - everyone can thank you for your dedication to finding all of the little bugs and pushing me to fix even the smallest of things.
  • Complete Retopology of several pieces to achieve the level of optimization of the "good" performance model
  • Complete Redesign and retopology of the entire model to achieve the optimization required to comply with VRChat's Quest limitations

Twist Bones and Flexion Bones

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Appearance

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Clean Dissolves

πŸ₯‰+ Quest Version

  • 34 outfit texture options

πŸ₯ˆ+ PC Good Version

  • 6 outfit and accessory toggles
  • "Dark Mode" and "Light Mode" outfit color toggles for Jacket, Shoes, Swimsuit, Backpack, and Socks
  • Hair and Clothing hue shift including black/white
  • Blonde / Colored hair swap
  • Continuous rainbow cycle

πŸ₯ˆ+ Audio Link

πŸ₯‡+ PC Full Version

  • 32 outfit and accessory toggles
  • 21 material settings
  • "Dark Mode" and "Light Mode" outfit texture toggles per-clothing piece
  • Hair and Base Color Shift
  • Continuous rainbow cycle
  • Blonde / Colored hair swap
  • Outfit randomizer button!
  • 3 Distinct Hairstyles - smooth dissolves on change
  • "FPS Hair" - Hair visible in first-person! (Toggleable)

πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ VRChat OSC Full Face Tracking Support

All SRanipal shapekeys and 3.0 animator already setup for you for full mouth and eye tracking in VRChat using BenacleJames' facial tracking OSC application

  • "Fast Sync" menus - open them to make your facial expressions more responsive for others! (see demo video)
  • Mouth tracking requires the mouth tracking module by HTC - This is originally designed for the HTC Vive, Vive Pro, and Vive Pro Eye, but there are alternative mounting solutions for Index and Oculus/Meta devices
  • Eye tracking requires a compatible headset such as the Vive Pro Eye or similar solutions such as those offered by Varjo
    • Some people's faces aren't as expressive as others!!
    • This simply provides the shapekeys necessary for facial tracking to work, it is not fine tuned to fit each and every individual person's face!!!

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Single Features

πŸ₯‰+ Quest Version

  • Knife to spin around your finger
  • Color-changing drawing pen in both hands

πŸ₯ˆ+ PC Good and Full Version

  • Rollthered's VRFaceChecker integration with optional opacity radial - see your facial expressions without a mirror!
  • 24 Different Good Performance Variations
  • Desktop third-person camera! Play VRChat like its a third person game with this feature. Even has an adjustable field of view! Better than Fallout 76 on release!
  • Mask Glows when you talk

πŸ₯‡+ PC Full Version

  • Adjustable-length finger trails that change color with your model - great for dancing!
  • Old-school avatar marker! Color-changing ambidextrous avatar marker for drawing
  • Custom edit of VRLabs' avatar marker! - Draw/Erase with left or right hands

πŸ₯‡+ Quantum's GPU Particles

  • Fun controllable "particle" system
  • Changes color with your main hue slider


πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Custom Follower

  • hfcRed's follower system with a custom Remi-themed model
  • The follower will even stick to the ground just like a normal player!!
    • Using VRLab's FinalIK snippets (free - they are NOT FinalIK scripts, they are empty files that mimic the FinalIK classes to fix script errors)
  • You and other players can even pick him up!

πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Touch Menu and Holographic Inventory System

  • Most feature-rich, responsive, and intuitive touch menu on the market
  • Completely original UI design with ease-of-use and responsiveness in mind with an intuitive accidental touch detection and prevention system!

  • Menu uses a camera such that you can view yourself without the use of a mirror!
  • Completely functional for desktop users!! Just point your camera at the buttons!
  • Holographic preview of most menu options! You can even grab the hologram and scale it by moving your hands closer together/farther apart!
  • OpenVR Controller Haptics integration! Controllers vibrate when you touch the buttons!
  • Optimized using completely custom shaders and effects! The tablet and all of its buttons are all 1 mesh, three materials, and 691 triangles!

πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ VRM Version With All 52 ARKit Shapekeys


πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Remi's "OSC App"

Remi's "OSC App" is a separate app that must be run for the below two features to be functional. Using it does not go against VRChat's TOS, as it makes use of VRChat's OSC integration.
(see below)

This app is Open Source MIT on my GitHub.

πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Immersive Controller Vibration

πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Dynamic Outfit Presets

  • In-game you can save your current outfit and then load that outfit at any time
  • Presets persist throughout world changes, logins, and even avatar resets

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ GoGo Locomotion

A Complete overhaul of VRChat's default movement. An absolute essential for half body and desktop users

  • 14 custom sit/lay poses
  • Adjustable height in game
  • Disable locomotion in desktop, half body, and full body tracking types
  • 8 emotes with adjustable speed - great for the memes ngl

πŸ₯‰πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Throwing Knife System

  • πŸ₯‰Can spin on one finger
  • πŸ₯ˆ+ Can hold in either hand, spin on either finger, flip between forehand and backhand grips
  • πŸ₯ˆ+ Custom gestures that work on Index!
  • πŸ₯‡+ Gold and up can even throw the knife!

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Gun System

  • Left and Right hands with custom Index-compatible gestures
  • Quality sound and visual effects, working ammo counter, and ultra responsive and non-obtrusive reloading inspired by Half Life: Alyx
  • Can spin the guns around each finger!

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Score-Keeping Target Shooting Game!

  • Targets pop up at random! You have to hit the right target with the right gun to score points!
  • Timed and infinite modes
  • If playing timed mode, your high score will be saved and maintained across logouts and world changes!!
  • Challenge your friends to see who can get the highest score!

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Toggleable Mute Detection

Avatar will automatically detect if you are muted and will let others know with some subtle particle effects above your head

Mute Detection

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Shareable Springjoint!

A color-changing spinny "yo-yo" ball with a completely custom shader and VFX done by myself!

You can hold it on your left hand, right hand, or between both hands, and other players can grab it and play with it too!

πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Throwjoint v3!

A color-changing spinny throwable "yo-yo" ball that you can:

  • Attach to your head, hips, left and right feet, left and right hands, and even lock to the world!
  • Disable throwing to make it act like a normal springjoint
  • Throw as many as you want with minimal performance impact!

Spinny Ball With Pretty Colors


πŸ₯‡πŸ’ŽπŸ‘‘ Full Version
Poiyomi Toon v8.0.295
Mochie Particle Shader

πŸ₯ˆ Good/Excellent Versions
Poiyomi Toon v8.0.295

Terms of Sale

  • Thou shalt not redistribute under any circumstances
  • Thou shalt not take parts off of this product to be used for commercial use
  • Thou shalt not claim this work as your own
  • If thou useth this model on streaming / social media platforms / advertisements, thou shall credit this Gumroad page
  • Thou shalt never ever useth this model for pornographic material. Ever.
  • Thou shalt enjoy this model
  • Thou art allowed to use any pieces of this model for your own PRIVATE non-transferrable use.
  • Thou shalt not make my model public
  • These rules are subject to change
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Triangle Count | VRAM Size | In-Game Size

9.9k poly | 8mb | 2.1mb
15k poly | 9mb | 2.5mb
PC Excellent
15k poly | 32mb | 4.5mb
PC Good
65-67k poly | 84mb | 12mb
PC Full
189k poly | 275mb | 35mb
---------- Files ----------
Remi Fallback.blend
Remi Full.blend
Remi Quest Medium.blend
Remi Quest Poor.blend
Remi Excellent.unitypackage
Remi Fallback.unitypackage
Remi Full Diamond.unitypackage
Remi Full Gold.unitypackage
Remi Good.unitypackage
Remi Quest.unitypackage
Remi VRM.unitypackage
Remi VRM.vrm
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